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In addition to articles on various medical and health topics, MedicineNet features: It’s an excellent resource ...
Замечательный сайт с интерактивными атласами: будет полезен как начинающим, так и опытным медицинским переводчикам и ...
Neurotorium is an educational website aimed to enhance awareness and knowledge about the human brain and its disorder...
A great portal to study neuroscience! BrainFacts.org is an editorially independent source of information from the Soc...
Annual reports of the American Cancer Society, an interactive cancer statistics center. The reports include: If the r...
This small glossary by Concepción Mira Rueda was published on the Translation Journal website.
EyeWiki® is an eye encyclopedia written by eye physicians and surgeons from various societies and maintained by the A...
This collection of English abbreviations was published by the College of Optometrists (UK). The collection consists o...
The dictionary was compiled by Christopher Teng, MD, MBA, and published on the website of Chinese American Ophthalmol...
Этот толковый русский словарь размещен на сайте онлайн-академии Bausch&Lomb и ориентирован на пациентов, хоть и н...
This is an interactive list of ophthalmology abbreviations by Benjamin Lin, M.D. You can browse the list or type an [...
he US National Cancer Institute (NCI) offers three English dictionaries: (You can use the links above to access the d...
При нажатии на кнопку «Открыть ресурс» откроется список национальных реестров лекарственных средств стран — членов ЕС...
EASE is an international community of scientific editors from all parts of the world. They organize events and traini...
A very detailed resource covering the basics, nomenclature, different compounds, chemical reactions, analytical metho...
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