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В настоящее время в словаре содержится более 26 500 терминов, 2000 изображений и 5000 аббревиатур и сокращений. Слова...
The link opens a web-page on the EU Open Data Portal. Download the terminology collection (Excel file) and open the [...
A multilingual Google Sheet file.
These are webpages that can also be accessed when offline, if they have been added to your browser bookmarks
An open collaborative project to provide essential vocabulatory to refugees who have just arrived to a new country. M...
Multilingual materials (information sheets, medical history cards, illustrated dictionaries) that facilitate undestan...
A series of communication apps for everyday medical work. Helps health care professionals communicate with patients w...
A collection of reliable translated resources on various topics in over 100 languages. You can brouse the library by ...
Over 700 cancer terms in English + nine different languages. The glossary was developed for healthcare professionals ...
Browse electronic instructions for use (IFUs) for various medical devices produced by Johnson&Johnson. At t...
Official website of MedDRA, Medical Dictionary for Regulatory Activities. It is used by the pharmaceutical industry, ...
Interactive online current version of GDPR in 29 languages with comments from legal advisors.
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