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BrainInfo website features atlases of the human brain and primate brains. You can browse the atlases either by the images (Search Atlases option, covers only two primate brains) or search by terms (Search by Name option, covers the human brain, too). The main language is English, but all terms are available in Spanish, Bahasa Indonesia, Italian, Russian, French, and German languages. Scroll down to see how it all works.

Search by Name

Here is an example search for the term "ganglia":

For each term, you will get a definition, illustrations, and a set of related information (see the screenshot below):

If you decide to search terms in languages other than English, you need to click "Search by Name" on the left to see the list of languages. When you select a language, you will see an alphabetical list of terms with the corresponding English terms. The English terms are clickable and lead to the pages with definitions and additional information. Here is an example for Italian:

Additional features

The website also includes ontologies of human, macaque and rodent brain atlases, downloadable templates of the macaque brain, atlas creation methods and a link to the IA Tools Registry.

Updated on December 13, 2024


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