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Click “Open resource” to access the list of national medicine registers of the different Member States of...
You can browse this library using either the A-Z listings or the full text search. The main language is English [&hel...
Статьи, инструкции, методические рекомендации, видео, каталоги, РУ. В каждой статье указана дата публикации и есть сп...
HMDB is a public online database with information about small molecule metabolites found in human body (not only drug...
This database was compiled at the request of the European Commission and contains more than 900 terms in 35 (!) [&hel...
Beautiful 3D animations with text and voiceover explaining different physiological concepts and medical conditions. C...
Apart from a long list of medical specialities and pharmacology, Ninja Nerds provide high-quality videos on the realt...
On this channel, you’ll find:
Видео по нормальной анатомии и физиологии, генетике, биохимии, патофизиологии и терапии различных заболеваний. ...
Сайт Межрегиональной ассоциации по клинической микробиологии и антимикробной химиотерапии (МАКМАХ). Книги, статьи, ви...
Study guides, flashcards, lectures, and videos on a wide range of topics. The content is only partially free.
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