185 terms in the following languages:
- English
- Afrikaans
- Albanian
- Amharic
- Arabic (SA, Shuwa-ar, Shuwa-it)
- Bambara
- Bangla (Bangladesh, India)
- Bura-Pabir
- Cebuano
- Chinese (simplified, traditional)
- Czech
- Dari
- Dutch
- Farsi
- French (FR)
- Fulfulde
- German
- Haitian Creole
- Hausa
- Hindi
- Indonesian
- Italian
- Japanese
- Kanuri
- Kibaku
- Korean
- Kurdish Kurmanji & Sorani
- Lingala
- Maguindanao
- Malay
- Mandara
- Maranao
- Marathi
- Marghi
- Myanmar
- Nande
- Nepali
- Nyanja
- Oromo
- Pastho
- Portuguese (BR, PT)
- Rohingya
- Russian
- Sango
- Serbian (Cy, Lat)
- Sesotho
- Somali
- Spanish (ES, LA)
- Swahili (DRC, KE)
- Tagalog
- Tamil
- Tigrinya
- Thai
- Turkish
- Vietnamese
- Yoruba
- Waha
- Wolof
- Zulu
The complete list of languages is given because not all of these languages were in the catalog filters during the last description update. We will gradually add new languages and update the description.