Welcome to mymedpharm.info! This guide will tell you how to use all functionality of the website and how to get the most of this valuable resource hub.
1. About MyMedPharm.Info
The MyMedPharm.Info website features a collection of links to useful and reliable internet resources in medicine, pharmaceuticals, and related sciences. The website has been set up as a hub for medical translators and writers but it can be helpful to healthcare professionals and medical students who seek trusted resources.
Registered users can add new resources, save resources to their favorites, discuss the resource in the comments, and complete their profiles with various information about themselves and external links.
2. Create an account/sign
You can easily create an account using your email address to enjoy all benefits of being a registered user.

As a registered user you can:
- Save resources to your favorites.
- Add new resources to the catalog. These resources become available to all users/visitors after approval by the moderator.
- Discuss the resources in the comments on the resource page.
We plan to add more features in 2025.
3. User account

In the ‘Added resources’ section, you will see all the resources you have added to the catalog. The resources that have been approved and show up in the catalog for everyone will have a green label “Published”.
In the ‘Add resource‘ section, you can submit a new resouce for the catalog. See Section 6 for more details.
In the ‘Favorite resources‘ section, you will see all resources that you have selected in the catalog by clicking a heart icon. See Section 4 for more details.
In the ‘Personal information’ section, you can post a short ‘About me’ text and add links to social media or a personal website. Website visitors will be able to see this information on your public profile page.
In the ‘Change password’ section, you can change your password.
If you see a section called ‘Collections’, it means we are working on a new function for 2025 update. You will know more soon.
4. Browse the catalog
By default, the catalog displays all the available resources, with the newest ones on top. When you select filters, the resources are sorted accordingly in an instant. If two or more filters are selected, only resources that comply will all of them are displayed.
The search filters are divided into 12 main categories. Each main category has up to two levels of filters. The example below features ‘Diagnostics’ as the first level and ‘Magnetic resonance imaging’ as the second level. The numbers in the parentheses indicate the number of resources matching each filter.

Some categories are marked ‘general category’ (see an example below) and include resources with a wide range of topics.

The resources in the catalog are displayed as cards. Click on the card to open the resource page with a detailed description and comments, if any. If you are a registered used, you can click on the heart icon to add the resourse to your favourites for quick access through your account or the blue menu ‘Your account’ in the catalog.

5. Resource page
The resource page features a description of the resource, all the associated filters, the ‘Open resource’ button (the link will open in a new window), comments, and any other data.

Logged in users will see a ‘Report’ button on the left under the resource characteristics. This button can be used to report an error on the resource page to the moderator and suggest any amendments or additions to the description and filters.
Underneath is the name of the user who added the resource. Click the user name to open the user page and view the user info and other resources added by this user.
Logged in users can leave comments on the resource page and subscribe to receive notifications of new comments. Please note that users are not automatically subscribed to notifications when they add a resource. They need to opt-in to being notified.
6. Adding a resource
Only users who have created accounts can add new resources. Other users and visitors will see the resource after the moderator has approved it, usually within 24 hours.
To add a resource, click ‘Add resource’ in the ‘Your account’ menu in the catalog.

A new window opens where you need to type:
- The name of the resource.
- A link to the resource (with http:// or https://), can be copied and pasted from a browser.
- A description of the resource, at least one or two sentences, including the author — a person or a legal body.
Afterwards, you will need to select the filters. We recommend that you select at least one filter for the subject area, language, and resource type or format. You can select as many filters as you like.

Both a whole website (for example, a website of an organization) and specific pages of this website (for example, specific publications) can be added to the catalog as a resource. In this case, the catalog will include links to a few pages of a website. The link to the homepage will be the parent resource (e.g. website of the World Health Organization https://www.who.int/). The links to any other pages of the same website will be the child resources (e.g. Glossary of health emergency and disaster risk management terminology https://apps.who.int/iris/handle/10665/331716).
If you add the link to the home page first, just leave the ‘Parent resource’ and the ‘Child resource’ pages blank. When you add links to other pages of the website, select the link to the homepage from the drop-down list in the ‘Parent resource’ field.
If you’d added a link to a webpage and then decided to add a link to the website homepage, select the added webpage from the drop-down list in the ‘Child resource’ field.
If you cannot find the resource that you have added in the ‘Parent resource’ or the ‘Child resource’ drop-down lists, probably the resources have not been approved yet by the moderator. You can wait for the moderator to approve the resource and connect them as the parent and child resources. If the resources were approved and were not connected, please, notify the moderator by adding a comment on the resource page or by sending a direct message.
When you click ‘Add’, the resource will be sent to the moderator review and will become available to other users/visitors after the moderator approves it. Open the ‘Added resources’ section to see all the resources you’ve added to the catalog.
If you want to edit a resource that you’ve added to the catalog, open the ‘Added resources’ section in the catalog or in your account and click the Edit (pen) icon on the resource card.

Note. All resources in the catalog are links to other websites. You cannot upload any file to the catalog, but you can add a link to the file (and please tick the ‘file for download’ filter in the ‘Format’ category).
Please, add only useful and reliable websites to the catalog. The resources that do not comply with the criteria listed below may not be approved by the moderator. If this is the case you will be the only person who can see the resource at MyMedPharm.Info.
How do I know that the resource is useful and reliable?
Yes | No |
The website should have an identified author: one person, a group of people, or an organization. | Do not add websites with clearly outdated information. The objective of mymedpharm.info is to show up-to-date resources that can be used for work-related purposes. |
The texts should have dates of publication or update, preferably for each article or on each page. The website should be current and have the current year in the footer. You can also check dates of the latest news if the website has a news feed. | Do not add websites that were created to earn money by advertising and feature texts created for SEO that have been copy-pasted from other websites. Such websites usually do not have an identifiable author, dates of publications, and so on. |
If the website contains textbooks or extracts from textbooks, you should be able to find the relevant bibliographic data – author, title, publishing house, year of publication. |
Read more on how to evaluate Internet sources of information.
If you wish to add a resource that does not comply with the above formal criteria, please explain in the resource description why it can be useful and why it is considered reliable.
8. Miscellaneous
If you have any questions about the contents of this document or you were not able to find an answer to your question here, please contact the moderator through your user account or via [email protected].